Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Something - A Musical Tuesday

I've been a bad blogger lately with the few posts being short and lacking words. It's not that I don't want to blog, it's just that I rarely have anything interesting to say. With this in mind I started thinking about topics I could make into a regular feature. One that kept popping up was music that I listen to on the way home from work, and so I have decided to make Tuesdays into Musical Tuesdays. I can't promise they'll be extremely interesting, but I plan to pick a song each week from something I've heard on the radio or my iPod on the way home from work. Whichever one stands out the most, whether it's for the lyrics, the way it makes me feel, or the memories it unearths, I shall attempt to write a post about it. 

The first Musical Tuesday will be about Something, a song by The Beatles. 

Tonight, hearing this song actually made me feel extremely emotional, and even brought a tear to my eye. The reason for this is because of the memories this song brings. It was the song we chose to have our first dance to at our wedding last year, so hearing brought back many happy memories. 
I promise that the next Musical Tuesday will have a bit more of a story, but for now I leave you with the lyrics, a video and a wedding photo. 

Something in the way she moves,
Attracts me like no other lover.
Something in the way she woos me.
I don't want to leave her now,
You know I believe and how.

Somewhere in her smile she knows,
That I don't need no other lover.
Something in her style that shows me.
I don't want to leave her now,
You know I believe and how.

You're asking me will my love grow,
I don't know, I don't know.
Stick around, and it may show,
But I don't know, I don't know.

Something in the way she knows,
And all I have to do is think of her.
Something in the things she shows me.
I don't want to leave her now.
You know I believe and how.

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