Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Good Intentions!

I've been full of these lately, plans to get the house show home clean, keep on top of the ironing, start more cooking from scratch, healthier eating, in fact eating at all in the day would be a start! Also it's been my intention to bake more, sew more and blog more. I have quite a good baby who will happily sit in her chair with a toy, and will play alone in her baby gym. I think it's me with the problem, mummy guilt! I feel guilty leaving her to play with no attention from me, so instead I'm trying to cram everything else in while she sleeps, which isn't a lot during the day anymore. I shouldn't complain as this means she's sleeping at night instead. Still, it would be nice to do some of the 'me' things. 

So I guess this is an apology to any readers still out there, and anyone who was hoping to start reading about the baby's adventures, as that's another good intention that never became anything! My hope is to be back to regular blogging soon, with some recipe testing, some campervan adventures, and a new topic - baby product reviews. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

I'm Back!

Or at least I'm going to try and be back. With a new baby, housework, baby groups and a desire to get Sock Creations moving again, as well as a new project, I aim to try and find some time to blog too. 

I didn't realise I hadn't updated at all since my scan at 11 weeks. A lot has happened since then as you can probably imagine. To cut a long story short (to save boring you all and to post before baby wakes up!), I am now mummy to 11 week old Alex, a beautiful baby girl. She's also a clever little girl, who is about to also get her own blog so that her relatives who don't live locally can get to share her adventures and catch up on what she's been up to! For anyone who is wondering what it is that a baby does, you can find the blog here. She's still in bed so hasn't written anything as yet, but she's going to start later by telling you how cool her cloth nappies are. 

Here's a newborn shot of my beautiful girl, although she's not this tiny anymore, nor does she look like this anymore! 

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