Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sock Lady plus 1

So I admit to being a bad blogger who hasn't written anything for 3 months now. In fact I can clarify that it's actually almost 13 weeks to be precise. How do I know how long in weeks? Well, almost 13 weeks is also the age of the small human being currently growing inside me. I guess this is one of the reasons I've stayed away from blogging for so long. Not only have I so much wanted to write this post, but I've also been feeling pretty lousy. I don't think my brain would have been much good for blogging. It's only been just about good enough to get me through work, and even then it's been a struggle. Between leaving a load of American colleagues stranded in Cambridge with no taxi to bring them to the office, failing to book a hotel for a colleague for an upcoming exhibition, and randomly crying at my desk, I need to think myself extremely lucky  that I have an understanding boss. If I'd done that in my last job I'd probably have been screamed and shouted at, and the aftermath from the stress would have been far worse than the 24 hour headache I left myself with after the latest mishap. 

Well now you know my news, I guess I should also share a photo of my little man or lady. Unfortunately, he/she seems to have inherited my short genes and was 2.5 mm too short to do the tests at 11 weeks, so we get to see our little wriggler again in 2 more sleeps. What a shame! So here's our mini snowboarder getting used to bending those knees! 

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