Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy Happy Happy

Just a short post from me tonight. Thought I should write something, seeing as I haven't updated for a couple of weeks. So I'm going to write a brief summary about how I feel my life is so good right now. 

Last weekend was the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and watching the memorial ceremonies and thinking about all those people who lost loved ones, made me think about how much I have in my life to be thankful for, how short life is, and how we should make the most of every minute. 
So what do I have to be thankful for? 

For starters there's my husband, a.k.a. Mr Perfect. For years I waited for him, wasting time with Mr Wrong and watching other women get married, start families, and be happy. Then along he came, and although some people may think things moved along pretty quickly, the only thing I wish had happened differently was that we'd met sooner.  

Then there's my family. I have wonderful parents who have brought me up well. Although they may not live nearby, I know that they are at the other end of the phone and would support me through thick & thin. There's my siblings, younger and older who I love dearly, and 4 lovely nephews who I am so proud of. I mustn't forget my beautiful step-daughter. 

I'm lucky to have lots of friends, both in the real life and in the virtual world. I may not have one close friend like most women have, but I know there are many I can turn to in times of need. 

Then there's my job, which in some ways is similar to my husband. I spent years in the wrong job, working hard for little reward, going home in tears week in week out, after being made to cry by the boss. This year, I got out, got myself a new job, and things have never looked so positive. I now work for a great company, with a great boss, and great colleagues. I never thought I'd say it, but I actually look forward to going to work in the morning. 

To cap it all off, I am on a diet and starting to get my body back to looking how it did before the wedding. So far I've lost four and a half pounds and it's only been 2 weeks. 

Let's hope the happiness continues. 

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