Saturday, September 3, 2011

Childhood Memories

Last night's blog about the opticians, and how I felt as a child, got me thinking about my childhood. There's a lot of things you forget as you get older, but most people have some very early memories. Some are significant, some are just random. I'm going to share a few of mine. I have no idea if these will be in a proper timeline, or if the details will be entirely correct, but they are things that I remember. 

The Fall
If what I remember matches the story my mother tells, then this could possibly be my earliest memory. I remember crying, and sitting on something high, possibly the work surface or the washing machine. My mother was touching my face and feeling my nose. I remember nothing else of this incident, but the story is that I was two and a half years old, and I took a tumble down the stairs. I frightened the life out of my parents, and they thought that I had broken my nose. After checking me out and being unsure, I was taken to hospital, where I had an X-Ray that showed no damage. Once home, I reenacted the hospital visit with my Sindy dolls. 

The Chocolate Blancmange
I probably remember this because it was horrible at the time, and I thought I had a wicked mother. Now, I realise that she was trying to teach me a lesson. Again, parts are a bit hazy, and I don't remember if the packet of blancmange mix was already in the cupboard or if it was something I had pestered my parents to buy, but I asked lots and lots of times if I could eat it. After being told many times that I wouldn't like it, I still wouldn't let it go, so it was made for me with the warning 'If I make it, you WILL eat it'. Now, I'm pretty sure my parents wouldn't have allowed me to starve, but at the time it seemed as if they would. This blancmange was given to me for lunch, tea, and then breakfast again the next day, and it was one of the most disgusting things I've ever tasted. It's also something I have no desire to ever eat again!

The Chocolate Advent Calendar
This was possibly one of the naughtiest things I did as a child, which in hindsight is a very minor thing. My sister is nine years older than me, but for some reason we still shared some things, including, one Christmas, an Advent Calendar. This was the first time we'd had one with the chocolates in, so it was quite exciting. The sad thing was that we had to share it. We'd take it in turns to open a window, meaning only one chocolate every other day. Now, I'm still not sure why I did this, but one night I went downstairs to the toilet and on the way took the Advent Calendar off the wall. I carefully opened up one end and slid the tray out. I guess the numbers must have been in order as I was a clever child, but not quite that clever. I worked out which chocolates belonged to my sister, and I took a small bite out of some of them and then put them back. No-one knew until she came to have her turn the next day. As I said, I have no idea what made me think this was a good idea, and as a result, she was given all of the chocolates for the rest of the month, and I was given a very sore backside.

I have many more memories I could share, including those of deep snow, nettle filled ditches, and baking at school. Unfortunately I'm out of time, so will share those for another day. 

Thanks for reading

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