Sunday, March 11, 2012

Cookie Dough Cheesecake Bars

Last week I discovered Pinterest, an online pin board where you can create boards of ideas and share them with other people. It didn't take me long to start getting addicted to pinning, and I've started to build up a good collection of recipes and craft ideas I would like to try out. I decided this would be a perfect blog opportunity. 

So yesterday I made chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake bars which were originally pinned from the blog 'My Baking Addiction'. As this is a US recipe I had to work out my quantities first. Luckily we were bought some measuring cups as a wedding present, so some measurements stayed the same. However, if you don't have these, there's a great conversion chart here. I also found this useful for the butter. 

To save you looking it up, 5 tbsp butter converts to 2.5 ounces. I also wasn't sure what Graham crackers were so used digestive biscuits as these are usually the base for cheesecakes. 1 1/2 cups were roughly 1/3 of a 400g packet. Lastly, 325 F oven temperature is about 190 C. 

I'll let you follow the original recipe. However, I would like to share a few photos of the process. 

All the ingredients measured and ready 

Making the cookie dough

I used a round tin as my oblong one was too big for the quantity of biscuit base.

Ready to go in the oven

All baked and cooled

Cut into wedges and ready to eat

These were very sweet but very tasty. Enjoy!

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