Saturday, February 11, 2012

January (Catch Up post)

As Christmas seems such a long time ago and is just a blur with no really interesting news to report, I'll skip straight to January. 

New Year was seen in with cocktails, TV & board games. Maybe not that exciting, but the thought of paying ridiculous amounts of money to go out on New Years Eve doesn't really appeal to me. Husband's birthday is in early January so I decided to give him one of his presents early - a cocktail shaker. The rest of the cocktail making equipment followed a week later on his actual birthday, and so our addiction to trying out different alcoholic concoctions has begun! 

(Please excuse the TV, medicines & general crap that features in my photos) 

January was a busy month for me at work, with the launch of a new product, involving me in a series of launch events. I felt very lucky to be part of something so exciting and only wished I'd been more involved in the planning & organisation than I was. There's something exciting about planning events, and meeting the people who attend them that makes me wonder if this is a career path I should have chosen. Although I've probably only got the planning and organising bug since planning our wedding. 

The product launch events were held over 3 days in 3 UK locations, involving long days and lots of travelling. I don't think I've ever been as tired as I was when I arrived home at the end of it. This is where I am lucky to have a good man to come home to. A man who had cleaned the house in my absence and cooked for me on my return. A man who let me do nothing for a whole weekend after, while I recovered. 

At the end of January we went on a snowboarding holiday in Vaujany, in the French Alps. I was a bit apprehensive about a group holiday as I was going to be a slow learner, in a group of intermediate to advanced snowboarders. Part of me was also gutted at the holiday clashing with a work exhibition in Orlando, which I had been lucky to have been offered the chance to go to. I would have loved to have gone to the exhibition, as I love the excitement of meeting new people, and gaining new contacts for the company I work for. Some people probably think I was just disappointed to not be going to Florida, but in reality I wouldn't have cared if it was in Blackpool! For me it was about the exhibition & the opportunity to be part of something, not the location. I just hope there will be other opportunities. 

Anyway, enough about work and back to the holiday! We flew to Grenoble on Saturday, 28th January, ready to meet up with the rest of the group and begin a lovely snowy holiday. The forecast looked like we were going to get loads of snow, so we were very excited about the week ahead. 

To be continued (after the housework!) ........

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