Saturday, July 30, 2011

Return to blogging

It's been over a year since I last wrote in a blog, and it was quite a difficult decision to start up again. I don't have enough time to do all the things I want to do as it is, without trying to squeeze in some writing too. I also have no idea what I will be writing about, last time it was all about my wedding planning, but now I've been happily married for almost a year.

So, why exactly have I started writing again, and why a new blog? The reason for writing, I'm not too sure about. I'd quite like to improve my writing skills. It's also quite nice to keep a kind of diary about my thoughts and activities. I'm not sure how long I'll keep it up for, but hopefully a lot longer than the last one. As for the new blog, well I guess that's just an image change, a new me, the married me. The old blog is still there for anyone to read, if they don't mind wasting an hour of their life doing so, but I'm hoping the new blog will be much more interesting. So it's goodbye to the Zipster and hello to Sock Lady.

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